- "As our relationship with the technical world evolves, it is our responsibility as educators to find authentic ways to shape learning that encompasses this form of digital literacy because reading and writing is at the center of this practice" (Carey).
- I chose this quote because it is important for educators to realize that they have a responsibility. At times educators get caught in traditional methods and sometimes feel that their responsibility is to preserve "the lecture style classroom" or preserve "using actual dictionaries and encyclopedias, not the Internet or computers." However, it is important to realize that as the technical world evolves our responsibility is to shape learning that encompasses this form of digital literacy.
Extra Resource
- No more print dictionaries: a ‘sad day’ or a ‘day of liberation’?
- Reference: http://www.macmillandictionaryblog.com/no-more-print-dictionaries
Explanation of Extra Resource
- This made me consider the usefulness of things like dictionaries, an encyclopedia set, etc. I think it is fair to say that equally reliable sources (and actually more up to date) are available on the computer. Is doing away with the print form of a dictionary a "sad day" or just an evolution? I think it is more of just an evolution. I am actually reminded of a veteran English teacher that I work with. I was in working on something in another teacher's room and asked how to spell a word, he jokingly said there are dictionaries on the book case in his room. My immediate reaction was, "I'll just look it up on my laptop right beside of me." Of course there are doubters as publishing companies publish fewer and fewer dictionaries, but technology is evolving. The way we learn and find information is evolving. Sorry, thick and heavy dictionaries; we don't need you anymore.
- How can instant messaging support reading and writing in school? As the article states, "Online discussion groups can act as an alternative to class discussions, which would allow for a greater number of shared ideas and opinions, which could also serve as an assessment tool. An effective reading and writing curriculum allows for maximum opportunities for critical reflection and analysis. It is imperative that we do not overlook IM as an appropriate and meaningful technological tool for the purpose of thoughtful examination in the academic setting." I have participated in online discussions and I think it is a valuable IM-ing experience in the education setting. Every student required to come up with a response. The teacher can also see responses to student responses. I have also done assignments through a recorded chat room session; also a very neat experience. No one can sit quietly in the corner of the classroom. IM cause all student to become active members of class discussions.
- How did your attitudes and beliefs about the value of instant message as a result of reading the research on Instant messaging as a literacy practice? It just reassured me that Instant messaging can be a proper literacy practice. As stated previously, educators have a responsibility to adapt to the ongoing technological advances because they DO involve reading and writing.
Article Citation
Carey, J. (n.d.). Instant Messaging: A Literacy Event. Retrieved June 30, 2013, from Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6DFAmexYq7vYWdXV2RacF9EVXc/edit