Sunday, June 23, 2013

Analyzing the Interview

I interviewed my 18 yr old cousin who is a senior in high school (well she just graduated a couple of weeks ago).

  • Hanging Out: The young person spends a lot of time on social networking sites like facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  In fact, that is what she mostly uses her computer and smart phone for.  Interacting with her friends on the Internet is very important to her.
  • Messing Around: I know that these social networking sites involve things that not everyone know how to do: Creating an sharing a photo or photo album.  Sharing another post or video.  Tagging other friends to posts.  Sending private messages.  Editing photos before posting. My cousin is what you could say VERY ACTIVE on the these sites and knows how to do things that I don't even know how to do.
  • Geeking Out:  From viewing her Facebook and Instagram, she like editing photos.  She sometimes combines multiple photos in a collage and adds a song lyic or quote and changes the lighting and effect of the photo.
  • Schooling: The young person mention "looking up answers," creating PowerPoints, and typing papers (in Microsoft Word- I'm assuming).  I think that my cousin would benefit from networking in school, whether it be through a blog, edmodo, etc.  She enjoys social networking so much outside of school.  She mentioned she wished she could make YouTube videos and submit things online.  My cousing would benefit from sharing presentations with the teacher and class online.  

1 comment:

  1. From reading your review, I just realized, why don't we ask kids what they'd like to submit. I mean, as a teacher, would it be possible to tailor some assignments toward a student's preference. A YouTube video could be more taxing for a student than a paper, but if she wants to, that's awesome. Great idea from your student. Submitting assignments electronically in high school would really set students up for what many college professors expect as well! Cool kid, good ideas.
